Daily Life in 1990s America

Bloomsbury. (Daily Life Through ­History). Oct. 2024. 288p. Tr $55. ISBN 9781440880230.
Gr 6-9–A detailed look at the social, cultural, and technological shifts that defined the decade. This book covers a wide variety of topics, from the rise of the internet and digital technology to changes in entertainment and fashion. It’s a well-rounded resource for middle school readers interested in 1990s history, providing a snapshot of the era’s cultural landscape. But while the work succeeds in offering a broad view of the last decade in the 20th century, it lacks depth in individual topics, limiting its ability to serve as a primary resource for research projects. It lacks enough visual elements, like photographs or time lines, to enhance readers’ engagement, though it is a great resource on a broader scope. This title would be particularly appealing to young readers exploring recent history or preparing for school projects.
VERDICT Recommended as a solid supplementary resource for middle school and high school libraries.

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