The Astronaut Instruction Manual: Practical Skills for Future Space Explorers

1 CD. 47 min. Listening Library. Feb. 2017. $12. ISBN 9781524752163. digital download.
Gr 3–7—This is read by the author with input at the beginning from 13-year-old aspiring astronaut Alyssa Carson. It falls somewhere between a pep talk and a lecture on what youngsters might want to learn or consider if they have a serious interest in the space program. He coins a new word to describe such aspirants: humannaires. What follows is a blend of encouragements about the future possibilities; information about what some scientists are currently working on or researching, including moon-sized interstellar vessels; and exercises or experiences youngsters can try as a way to prepare for a path in space exploration. There are many references encouraging listeners to Google terms and people mentioned during the narration.
VERDICT In audio format, this comes across more like a classroom lecture. The author's narration is a bit too flat, so this will likely be of interest to those already very interested in science and/or the space program.

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