Gr 4-8–This anthology spotlights 10 LGBTQIA+ fairy tales from cultures around the globe dating back to written forms in the 18th century and are likely even older in the oral tradition. Wood’s introduction teaches readers about storytelling traditions, communicates his methodology in collecting and updating these stories for a modern audience, and shares that each story has been illustrated by an artist from that story’s originating culture. These thoughtful steps prime readers to understand the significance of these tales and illustrations, which truly adds to the experience. The tales are short, accessible, and delightfully celebratory, especially for gay and transgender folks. The careful updates made by Wood are briefly explained in the back matter and do not seem to compromise the integrity of any of the tales. Significantly, these tales’ reintroduction reclaims an important space in global Queer histories and invites young people to celebrate every ethnic, gender, and sexual identity. However, lesbian, bisexual, and aromantic/asexual representation is notably lacking, giving the anthology an incomplete feel.
VERDICT A significant and very sweet collection. Recommended where folklore and short stories are popular.
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