Gr 4—6—Set in Vancouver, BC, during the 1930s, this story of a family suffering through economic hardship will resonate with many of today's readers. Eleven-year-old Elsie's father left home shortly after losing his jewelry business to the bank. Elsie now lives in a garage with her mother, grandmother, and uncle; from there, she can see the house where they used to live. Things go from bad to worse when her mother and uncle leave, so Elsie feels it's up to her, along with her friend Scoop, an aspiring journalist, to bring the family back together. The exploitative and cruel dance marathons of that era play a role in the story, too, as does a clergyman with an active social conscience. Despite the grim plot elements, this is a story of hope, and it is smoothly written. The pace lags in spots, though. There's a truly arresting scene in which Elsie confronts a hobo who has taken her dog while she's visiting shantytown in search of her father, but at other times, readers may wish for more action. Still, this is well-researched historical fiction with a sympathetic main character, so larger collections will want to consider purchase.—Lauralyn Persson, Wilmette Public Library, IL
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