Monster Hands

Penguin/Nancy Paulsen. May 2024. 32p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9780593532294.
PreS-Gr 2–Right before bedtime, a young boy named Milo makes the mistake of reading a scary story about a monster under the bed. Too frightened to sleep, Milo signals to his friend Mel, who lives next door, for help. Communicating through their windows and using American Sign Language (ASL), Mel suggests using the titular “monster hands,” to banish Milo’s monster. By stacking their hands and curling their fingers, the duo use their hands to create fearsome shadows that “Roar!,” “Chomp!,” and “Laugh!,” at the monster. The pair emerge victorious, and share a hug. Not only are readers treated to a relatable bedtime excursion, but they will also learn the signs for several terms, which are presented organically and naturally throughout the story. The illustrations are equally captivating, in a nighttime palette of blue and purple that depicts the monsters as somewhat eerie, but never anything terrifying.
VERDICT A success on every level and a welcome addition to all collections.

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