Between My Hands

Farrar. (The “Between” Books). Sept. 2024. 40p. Tr $19.99. ISBN 9780374388980.
K-Gr 3–The third of the “Between” series, this is a gentle and affirming book about one’s ability to help others, regardless of age. Maya, a young Indian American girl, learns from her grandfather that namaste means, “I bow to you.” When he visits from India, he puts his hands together and follows this greeting with, “What’s between your hands when you namaste the world?” Maya’s hands are small, and she wonders what she can do to make a difference. The neighbors are coming and going and doing important things for others. Through this story, Maya learns that she, too, has a beautiful thing between her hands—love. The digitally created illustrations offer the look and feel of paint and collage; they also perfectly reflect the diversity of Maya’s neighborhood.
VERDICT This charming book will have children holding love in their hands; a must-have for any social-emotional collection.

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