Also read:
"School Librarian, Where Are Thou?"
"A Perfect Storm Impacts School Librarian Numbers"
"There's Little National Data About School Librarians. What Happened?"
On charter policy
Federal government pressure and private sector influence in education have shaped the charter landscape. While choice policies have been around for decades, charter schools came onto the scene in 1992. Their expansion was buoyed by bipartisan political support, rooted in a faith in neoliberal policies and market-like accountability for schools, as noted by Thomas Pedroni and Michael Apple and in a Teachers College Record article. During the Clinton administration, the U.S. Department of Education promoted private sector-like reform strategies, including outcomes-based testing and market-like competition, as Christopher T. Cross writes in Political Education: National Policy Comes of Age (Teachers College Press, 2004). This was magnified during the second Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind. Simultaneously, in the early 2000s, private-sector financing from organizations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Broad Foundation, and the Walton Family Foundation advocated to expand charter policies and schools, allowing for the establishment of national charter chains such as the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP). The Obama administration’s Race to the Top (RttT) grants further advanced charter reforms, awarding funding based on a state’s promise to meet predetermined policy goals. One major focus was the adoption of charter policies, with the grants weighted toward states that guaranteed to “[ensure] successful conditions for high-performing charters and other innovative schools” and “turning around the lowest-achieving schools.” That effectively meant turning public schools over to charter management. The Trump administration has broadly promoted choice policies as well, including charter schools and vouchers, which would allow students to use public tax dollars to attend private schools.Fewer libraries in charter and choice schools
Why don’t charter schools prioritize libraries? Several factors are at work. These schools are under tremendous pressure to produce test scores in order to meet their charter. That, combined with the challenge of starting a school, has produced consequences, including prioritizing test scores over other pedagogical needs. In addition, smaller schools, including charters, sometimes contend with shared facilities and tight quarters. In New York City, for example, small choice and charter schools often share a large building and facilities, including libraries. Many libraries have also been reutilized for other purposes, such as classroom space. Since charters aren’t usually required to meet certification requirements, and often set budgets autonomously from districts, they can prioritize spending in areas other than libraries. For example, charter schools tend to spend more on advertising and marketing than public schools in order to recruit students and families. It is also difficult to find public documentation about school libraries in charters. This is emblematic of a major challenge in educational policy: the lack of consistent, publicly-available data on charter schools, which are often managed by privately held organizations, and not subject to public reporting standards. Quality data on libraries and librarianship is also scarce. Much information collected at the local level is self-reported or incomplete. Moreover, school library data frequently does not include charters, which comprise a substantial portion of schools in many cities. These issues may help explain why charters have lower reported rates of libraries and school librarians nationally and locally. In 2011–12, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) reported that less than half of charter schools (49 percent) had a library space, compared to 93 percent in traditional public schools. In New York City, nearly all (94 percent) of charters have no librarian, compared to 57 percent of traditional public schools. Chicago Public Schools, the state of California, and the Los Angeles Unified School district echo these trends.On school segregation
Segregation is a persistent problem in U.S. public schools, including charters. The nation’s schools were most desegregated in the late 1980s and have since resegregated nearly to the point when the Brown v. Board of Education ruling passed in 1954. Supreme Court rulings, such as Milliken v. Bradley and Parents Involved in Community Schools, derailed desegregation policies post-Brown v. Board of Education. Segregation by race and socioeconomic status is linked to lack of resources. “On every tangible measure—from qualified teachers to curriculum offerings—schools serving greater numbers of students of color had significantly fewer resources than school serving mostly white students,” according to data from Alabama, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Texas, writes Linda Darling-Hammond in The Right To Learn: A Blueprint for Creating Schools that Work (Jossey-Bass, 2001). This impacts the quality of libraries and the likelihood of a school having a school librarian. While choice policies could, in theory, help mitigate school segregation, charters aren’t organized with desegregation policy in mind. Many do not include civil rights protections or policies that allow students to cross district boundaries, leading many to argue that charters have become a piece of the school segregation puzzle. Increasingly, they are located in racially segregated or low-income neighborhoods. While charters constitute about six percent of national public school student students, more than half (56 percent) of students attending charters are in urban areas—a much higher percentage than the students in urban public schools overall (29 percent). The UCLA Civil Rights Project also reports that charters tend to be more racially and socioeconomically segregated than traditional public schools. “At the national level, 70 percent of black charter school students attend intensely segregated minority charter schools (which enroll 90–100 percent of students from under-represented minority backgrounds), or twice as many as the share of intensely segregated black students in traditional public schools. Some charter schools enrolled populations where 99 percent of the students were from under-represented minority backgrounds.” This results in inequitable education, including access to resources and facilities such as libraries.Chicago: library loss, segregation, and the charter gap
In 2017, Chicago Public Schools made headlines by budgeting for 139 school librarians for more than 600 schools. According to the Chicago Tribune, this was a dramatic drop from 2013, when the district had budgeted for 454 librarians—and from 2012, when there was one librarian per school, according to the Chicago Teachers Union. There appear to be many reasons for this shift. According to NPR, librarians in the city’s public schools are being “reassigned” to classroom duties. Principals faced with increasingly tight budgets may decide that librarians with teaching certification are needed in the classroom. Budget cutbacks have particularly affected the highest-need schools and libraries—those that are predominantly low-income and have a high racial minority.* The data set used for this analysis is from the Chicago Public Schools website and represents 238 schools. Data include budgets for FY 17 and the proposed budget for 2018. For this analysis, school librarian positions were compiled and compared. While this data does not include charters, they represented 15 percent of Chicago schools as of 2015–16, according to the Illinois Network of Charter Schools. Students attending charters tend to be lower income (88 percent receiving free and/or reduced lunch versus 80 percent at non-selective traditional public schools) and black (54 versus 35 percent). According to this analysis, 127 (53.4 percent) of the schools have a full-time librarian—more than reported by the Chicago Tribune. A comparison of budget allocations for FY17 with the proposed FY18 budget tracks the fluctuations in Chicago librarian positions (Figure 1).The Charter Gap in California and Los Angeles
California has also faced serious challenges staffing school libraries. The state “continues to rank at the bottom of professional library staffing numbers,” with only nine percent of schools having a credentialed teacher librarian, according to the California Department of Education (CDOE), which collects annual data about school libraries. According to a 2015–16 survey from the CDOE, the majority (90 percent) of responding schools indicated that they had a library facility on campus in 2015–16 (Figure 3). Unlike the Chicago data set, some charter schools were included in the survey, which included responses from 39 percent of the over 11,000 schools in the state.Spotlight on LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (LAUSD)
Data for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) reinforce data trends on a local level. Again, the overall low rate of participation is notable, especially from charter schools. Table 1 shows the participation rate in 2015–16. Clearly, there is a gap in data, particularly among charter schools, with 87 percent not participating in the survey. This gap is critical, because LAUSD charter schools tend to serve the highest need and lowestLooking forward: neighborhood equity and DATA on charters
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Great story! One day when I was at my son's school (he was then in elementary) when a girl who had transferred to my son's public school from a charter school appeared to be fascinated by the library. I wondered why and was amazed when she told me her charter school did not have one. Just this morning, I sent money with my son to his public middle school to support the library.Posted : May 04, 2018 05:21