What I Like Most

Candlewick. Apr. 2020. 32p. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9781536209402.
PreS-K–A little girl lists the things she likes most in the world, along with all the reasons she likes them best. Her favorite thing, and the most important, is saved for last. With large, vibrant watercolor and pencil illustrations, each page showcases an item the girl in the story loves. The main character is Asian, and the cast is diverse. The images are soft and inviting, giving off a feeling of coziness and comfort. The bold, simple text is easily accessible to young readers and provides relatable favorites, from light-up shoes to beloved teddy bears. On each page, the girl states that the item is the thing she likes most, until the subsequent page in which she indicates she likes the next item just a little bit more, much like a young reader might have multiple favorites. A highlight of the story is that the little girl appreciates simple things, such as homemade jam and the river near her home, offering readers a reminder that sometimes small things are the most worthwhile. In the end, her favorite thing is her mom, and she expresses gratitude for her mother’s support and love, even when they argue, beautifully displaying the care between a parent and child.
VERDICT A good choice for young readers seeking a heartwarming story.

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