Unboxing Libby

Little, Brown. Apr. 2025. 320p. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9780316577090.
Gr 4-7–On Mars in the year 2200, humans are looking at the viability of living in communities there. Minerva Social Computing has populated Martian communities with humanoid robots, based on popular shows back on Earth. These A.I.Cademy dolls come with a line of specific personalities, including “Timid” Giselle, “Sporty” Robin, “Bully” Roxanne, and “Shining Star” Libby. As a “Libby,” Max knows she is supposed to be cheerful and kind to all, but she is confused and frustrated because she doesn’t always feel those things; she wonders if something is wrong with her. When she tries to befriend Roxanne, the other Libby robots ostracize her, which isn’t very Libby-like either. With the help of human scientist, Dr. Bhanjee, Max discovers why she feels mixed up and other secrets about this seemingly perfect society. Cherrywell’s debut imbues sci-fi concepts with humorous details, such as robots trying to eat realistic cardboard food and their lack of need for sleep. Readers will recognize the A.I.Cademy dolls as the possible future versions of their beloved American Girl dolls. Friendship issues, jealousies, and parental relationships are approached realistically, and readers will appreciate the feel-good message highlighting that it’s what’s inside that matters.
VERDICT Readers will likely find they have much in common with these Robot Dolls of the future, while considering what the future may have in store for who remain behind on Earth.

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