The Wolves Are Waiting

Little, Brown. Mar. 2022. 384p. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9780316045315.
Gr 9 Up–Nora and Camille are 15-year-old best friends, but lately they seem to want different things. The night of the town Frat Fair, the two have an argument and go their separate ways, only for Camille to receive a text that she needs to help Nora. Adam, a boy from school, chases off three guys to find Nora unconscious on a golf course. As if the ordeal weren’t bad enough, Nora’s friendship with Camille and relationships with everyone else in her life will be put to the test as she comes to grips with that awful night. Friend weaves a compelling tale through the eyes of multiple characters. With alternating chapters, readers get Nora’s perspective as well as the well-meaning thoughts and actions of her friends. Photos of Nora end up posted on social media; further, her father works for the sports department for which her assailants play. While complex, the text never becomes too convoluted and reflects real-life scenarios of assault and athletics, making the story relevant and an important discussion on the culture of gender roles and victim-shaming. There are diverse characters: Camille is biracial, Haitian and white, and Adam is Chinese American, offering a subtle commentary on the treatment of minorities in small towns.
VERDICT With gripping writing and topical social issues, this is a solid addition to any collection for young adults.

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