The Littlest Grito

Sleeping Bear Pr. Sept. 2024. 32p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781534112889.
Gr 1-3–A celebration of Mexican Independence Day provides the backdrop for a young girl’s cultural coming-of-age. Gloria, a gangly young girl of Mexican heritage, welcomes the morning with excitement. Today is September 16—diez y seis de septiembre, Mexican Independence Day. Her father usually launches the festival with the traditional grito, a loud and celebratory shout. But today he wakes up ill and has lost his voice. Can Gloria overcome her shyness and performance anxiety to assume the role of her father? The story contains two positive plots. The first is a message of pride in one’s cultural heritage and traditions. The second is a “passing of the torch” moment between a father and daughter. A vibrant palette highlights the festival feel as well as the natural beauty of the desert. There’s a missed opportunity for bilingual learning, as the text contains no direct translation of Spanish dialogue, and the font is overly small.
VERDICT This tasteful addressing of an underrepresented holiday warrants a recommended purchase.

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