Take All of Us

Holiday House. Jun. 2024. 256p. Tr $19.99. ISBN 9780823456611.
Gr 8 Up–A genre-bending YA novel with a unique take on the typical zombie tale. Ian is a boy with epilepsy living in Kittakoop, WV, where the water has been contaminated and anyone exposed becomes “dark-eyed, oil-dripping shells of their former selves” after their deaths. Luckily for Ian, his family uses water filters, and his crush, Eric, helps to keep him safe from the dead and his seizures. Unluckily, Ian is injured during a seizure triggered by a city evacuation alarm, which results in him falling into a mall fountain with unfiltered water. So instead of Ian confessing his love for Eric, he ends up dying in the fountain during the chaos. When he wakes, Eric is gone. Ian spends most of his time searching for Eric, making new friends, and coming to terms with his death. Everything comes to a head when Ian and his friends discover there may be a way to stop further contamination of the water in Kittakoop. Leif’s inclusion of disabled and neurodivergent characters perfectly fits the narrative. Angel, who is autistic, is a role model for the group and encourages Ian to “take up space.” However, some supporting characters are not fleshed out enough, and though the conclusion comes with some happiness, it doesn’t entirely make sense with events of the story. While parts of this novel are refreshing and unique, inconsistencies in the plot and pacing may prevent readers from enjoying Ian’s story. Race of characters is not mentioned.
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