Sometimes I Feel Like an Oak

Groundwood. (Sometimes I Feel Like: Bk. 3). Apr. 2024. 32p. Tr $19.99. ISBN 9781773066981.
PreS-Gr 3–There are parallels, if we nurture them, between humans and trees. Using plenty of simile, in 12 poems the author builds connections between the features of a tree and the qualities that can be found within ourselves. “Sometimes I feel like a maple, full and most generous. I share my flowing sap as winter turns toward spring.” The latest in the “I Feel Like” series celebrates the majesty and resilience of trees and invites readers to find those qualities within themselves. “Sometimes I feel like a birch, smooth and fresh, anew. My curling bark peels gently away with bright and brimming hope.” These words are perfectly supported by the glorious illustrations in acrylics and gouache by Ojibway illustrator Traverse; the scenes capture the beauty and spiritual nature of trees and all those spending time with them.
VERDICT Lyrical language that celebrates both trees and humans, accompanied by beautiful illustrations, make this a worthy addition to most collections.

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