K-Gr 2—This relatable tale of not fitting in begins in the Land of This and That where one is either a blue bunny or a yellow bird. When a green bird-bunny hybrid is hatched, it declares itself Both. In the Land of This and That one must be one or the other, being both is not acceptable. So Both is instead declared Neither and it is suggested in no uncertain terms that as "not one of us" it should find "Somewhere Else." Both flies away and alights in the The Land of All where myriad creatures in all colors, shapes, and sizes live and all are welcome. Both even welcomes some of his former Landmates who don't fit in the Land of This and That. Featuring lots of bright bold colors, plenty of word balloons, and a ton of fantastic critters (like a purple butterfly cat) Anderson's illustrations are a perfect match for the message of her text. Who knew a bird-bunny face could be so expressive? Cleverly, Anderson never specifies a name or gender, so her bird-bunny is a perfect avatar for all.
VERDICT This less-than-subtle tale of belonging hits all right notes and is filled with fun, fantastical creatures to boot. The last line of the book sums it all up—"Once upon a time there were many kinds…and all were welcome!"
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