K-Gr 2–Set on a tropical island, this story tells of an adventurous young child and how their self-image begins to develop. Using similes and metaphors, the author describes the contrast between the complexions of the character and others. The young child’s copper tone is described by the mother character as evidence of “old roots planted in new soil,” which is a reference to the story of migration between Hawaii and Japan. The illustrations and the language make this point clear. The child in this story is seen exploring the tropical setting. Images show the young explorer at the beach skipping stones, surfing, and hiking, always with the full support of their mother. Readers are shown that identity can be cultivated by numerous places and influences. This story is an easy and enjoyable read because of the frequent use of descriptive language. Many will relate to the story of a youth of biracial and bicultural roots.
VERDICT A thoughtfully crafted story and unique depiction of a biracial child; the details of one child’s developing self-image and self-concept will resonate for readers.
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