K-Gr 2—For spunky, curly haired, biracial Luna, library day is the long-awaited special time she spends with her father. After her mom drops her off at the library, Luna and her dad spend time picking out books and reading some of them. A fairy tale that Luna picks out, "The Troll King and the Mermaid Queen," is actually a six-page insert within the main book and tells the story of Luna and her parents' relationship: her dad is the Troll King and her mom is the Mermaid Queen who fight and separate but nevertheless remain steadfast in their love for their daughter. After checking out all the books, Luna returns home where she rereads the library books and fondly thinks about her special day. Lumbers's cartoonish illustrations pop with joyful colors but still capture touching moments such as Luna sadly clutching a book of magic tricks because "Dad knows how to disappear. Luna wants to learn to bring him back" or Luna and her dad in a tender embrace after reading the emotional fairy tale.
VERDICT A celebration of libraries, families, and a powerful comforting statement of abiding parental love in one neat package. Best shared one-on-one.
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