Broken Illusions

2012. 352p. 978-0-31264-703-2.
Gr 8 Up–Set in post-Katrina New Orleans, this paranormal thriller and romance continues to follow the story of 16-year-old Trinity Monsour, whose psychic abilities are growing ever stronger. Another girl has gone missing and Trinity finds tangible proof that their families are somehow connected. Detective LaSalle, now dating Trinity’s aunt, is eager to learn all he can about the protagonist’s abilities and her dreams. Using italics to help guide readers in and out of the psychic realm and keeping them abreast of Trinity’s thoughts and experiences, this book reads as much like a film script as a novel. The action and characters would be hard to follow if not for this clever device. However, even with the backstory peppered throughout, this installment in the series cannot stand on its own, as there is still too much catching up to be done. Fans of Shattered Dreams (St. Martin’s, 2011) will enjoy the twists and drama and be left wondering where Trinity’s abilities and mysterious past will lead her next.–Genevieve Gallagher, Charlottesville High School, VA

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