Gr 9 Up–A powerful and emotionally charged contemporary young adult novel that explores the complexities of friendship, reproductive rights, and the harsh realities of living in a world where bodily autonomy is under threat. The story follows Grace Williams, a high school senior in Texas, who faces an unplanned pregnancy after a romantic fling with a popular classmate. In a state where abortion is illegal, Grace’s dreams of attending Barnard College and pursuing a future in biology seem shattered. With the support of her best friends Addie and Sebastian, she embarks on a dangerous journey to terminate the pregnancy. Kantor’s writing is heartfelt and compelling, capturing the emotional turmoil of Grace’s predicament with sensitivity and depth. The relationships between the characters—especially the unbreakable bond of friendship among Grace, Addie, and Sebastian—are beautifully portrayed. The novel’s organization is clear, with each chapter unraveling new layers of Grace’s emotional and physical journey. The pacing is well-balanced, building tension while providing moments of reflection on the themes of choice, courage, and loyalty. The book’s exploration of timely social issues, especially in the context of contemporary debates around abortion, makes it a provocative read.
VERDICT An essential and poignant novel that will resonate deeply with older teens navigating the complex world of relationships, identity, and social justice.
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