Alice on Board

280p. S & S/Atheneum. 2012. Tr $16.99. ISBN 978-1-4424-4588-8; ebook $9.99. ISBN 978-1-4424-6160-4.
Gr 8 Up—Naylor takes readers through another adventure in Alice's life in which she will encounter fun, disappointment, challenges, and emotional confusion-all part of growing up. It is the summer after high school graduation and Alice, Pamela, Gwen, and Elizabeth take jobs on a cruise ship as their last hurrah before they scatter for college. Through the girls and their male crewmates, Naylor shows what is required to serve on the ship. It is hard work and fraught with surprises: Alice is accused of theft, confronted by a passenger who exposes himself, copes with Pamela's mom when she shows up to ruin the cruise for Pamela's dad and stepmother, and faces the difficulties when the generator quits and the ship is without power for several days. Patrick is leaving for Spain and Alice is feeling terrible for not making time to call and say goodbye. It is Mitch, her new friend and fellow crewmate, who points out that Patrick could have called her, too. Certainly this title is more meaningful for those who have followed Alice through the years. As a stand-alone, it provides a breezy picture of life on a cruise ship with many entertaining but one-dimensional characters making their way through another period of growing up. Avid Alice fans will want this next-to-last installment.—Joanne K. Cecere, Monroe-Woodbury High School, Central Valley, NY
Alice and her friends work as ship's stewards the summer before they sail off for college and the rest of their lives. What does the future hold for Alice and her boyfriend Patrick? We'll have to wait for the final book, which promises to reveal how Alice's story finishes. Until then, this nautical adventure provides readers with a map for navigating life's rough waters.
"Ten weeks on a cruise ship -- a pretty glamorous end to our high school years!" An end, yes. Glamorous? Not even close. Alice McKinley and four friends work as ship's stewards aboard the Chesapeake Bay Seascape -- waiting on and cleaning up after passengers. This latest (and perhaps penultimate) book in the long-running series takes place the summer before Alice and friends sail off for college and the rest of their lives. The fact that Alice is on the verge of a major life change looms just off stage, but most of her focus is on the present: working from early morning to late at night, sharing close quarters (and a bathroom) with nine other girls, and making new friends who expand her view of the world and inspire her to examine her own choices. Alice considers her relationship with boyfriend Patrick, who's in Spain for a year. What does the future hold for them? We'll have to wait for the final Alice book, which promises to reveal -- at long last -- how Alice's story finishes. Until then, this nautical adventure, like the twenty-six installments before it, provides readers with a map for navigating life's rough waters. kitty flynn

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