The animated phenomenon known as lennnie (yep, three ns, no capitalization) is a self-described “little blob just trying to help u get through the day.” Their social media platforms are followed by millions and millions, and now their straightforward encouragement is available in print and audiobook. At just 11 minutes, sweetly voiced, gently calming lennnie’s platitudes are certainly worth multiple listens; better yet, on bad days, set it to loop. With soul-draining challenges and problems (“it really is a chaotic torrential downpour of debauchery out there...”) plaguing pretty much everyone—worry has no age limits!—lennnie should definitely appeal to tweens and teens: “I promise that you’re gonna be okay. REALLY TRULY ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY FINE...even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.” Life is up and down and up waves, failing means you already won because you tried in the first place, being in control 24/7 is boring, and taking a minute or more in your own bubble when you need to is a healthy must.
VERDICT Such sound advice from a little blob should be readily available for all!
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