Ada Twist, Scientist

11 min. Dreamscape. 2017. $38.99. ISBN 818506020114.
RedReviewStarGr 1–4—Ada Twist is a scientist, full of questions about the world around her. Her pursuit for answers often leads to chaos at home and at school. After smelling a horrible stink, she begins a series of experiments to determine the cause that ultimately doesn't yield an answer, but entices her family to join the process. The catchy soundtrack and Bahni Turpin's soothing narration bring the adaptation of Andrea Beatty's picture book to playful life on the screen. David Roberts's illustrations are highlighted with close-up shots and simple, repetitive motions that work well, particularly when focused on Ada's experimentation and calculations.
VERDICT An excellent addition with wide appeal for those seeking to build a STEM public and school library audiovisual collection.

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