Best Spanish Language Picture Book Award Winner Announced

La guardiana de la libreta: Una historia de bondad desde la frontera has won the 2024 Premio, Mejor Libro Infantil/Best Spanish Language Picture Book Award.

The Spanish Language Affiliate of the Children's Book Committee at Bank Street has announced the winners of 2024 Premio, Mejor Libro Infantil/Best Spanish Language Picture Book Award. The award is given biennially to the most outstanding Spanish language picture books written or translated. This year's winners were published in 2022 and 2023.

Gold Medalist

La guardiana de la libreta: Una historia de bondad desde la frontera por Stephen Briseño; ilustrado por Magdelena Mora; traducido por Juan Vicario (The Notebook Keeper: A Story of Kindness from the Border by Stephen Briseño, illus. by Magdalena Mora)

Silver Medalists

Los coquíes aún cantan: Un cuento sobre hogar, esperanza y reconstrucción por Karina Nicole González; ilustrado por Krystal Quiles; traducido por Amparo Ortiz (The Coquíes Still Sing: A Story of Home, Hope and Rebuilding by Karina Nicole González, illus. by Krystal Quiles; translated by Amparo Ortiz)

Cultivando a un artista: La historia de un jardinero paisajista y su hijo por John Parra, traducido por Adriana Domínguez (Growing an Artist: The History of a Landscaper and His Son by John Parra, translated by Adriana Domínguez)

Martina tiene muchas tías by Emma Otheguy, illus. by Sara Palacios; translated by Emily Carrero Mustelier (Martina Has Too Many Tías by Emma Otheguy, illus. by Sara Palacios, translated by Emily Carrero Mustelier)

Read the full press release below.


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