Takahashi from the Bike Shop, Vol. 1

Yen Pr. (Takahashi from the Bike Shop, Vol. 1). Jan. 2025. 168p. tr. from Japanese by Giuseppe di Martino . pap. $15. ISBN 9798855404456.
Gr 9 Up–While on the way to work one day, office-worker Hanno has a chance run-in with a seemingly rough bike repairman who diagnoses several things about her bike that need repairing. This leads to a romantic exploration where Hanno takes a chance and disregards her first impressions. Ryohei is calm, self-assured, and direct, while Hanno has a deep-rooted problem with self-confidence. She has issues turning people down or standing up for her own wants, which creates some interesting situations. Within the first volume, powerful lessons are already being discussed about boundaries, communication, and preferences—concepts that are beneficial for teens to see portrayed in a healthy way.
VERDICT Positive messaging, as well as some adorable illustrations, make this a great addition for teen libraries. Recommended for purchase where romance readers are looking for hopeful and encouraging narratives.

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