Rings of Heartwood: Poems on Growing

Minnesota Historical Society Pr. Mar. 2025. 32p. Tr $18.95. ISBN 9781681342320.
Gr 3-5–“Nobody asked me/ if I’d like to trade/ my tail for legs,/ my gills for lungs.” Commenting on his bodily changes in lines of blank verse, a large, partly developed tadpole introduces a factual explanation of the total metamorphosis that will transform him into a frog. Poems highlighting the growth patterns of 12 quite different plants and animals pair handily with a nonfiction page, the two parts spread in busy full-color scenes in strong line drawings and scratchboard. Griffin explains in an opening author’s note her intent to help children appreciate growth as a process of change in humans and other beings. And there are often humans, usually two children and an adult, present in the forest and other natural scenes. Reflecting the book’s title, the opening poem describes that inner growth activity of heartwood trees: “Here purrs the tender task/ of spackling over the scars/ of old traumas—building new/ growing thicker/ growing stronger.” The picture book format might suggest a younger audience, but the varied levels of text and concepts offer many possibilities for browsing, reading, and discussion with older children. This beautifully executed package might be used for the enjoyment of poetry, to introduce related books, or to encourage the observation of creatures seen in backyards, parks, or other settings. Back matter includes brief author acknowledgements and McGehee’s commentary on the art.
VERDICT A treasure in versatility and a fine tool for librarians and teachers.

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