Low Red Moon

245p. 978-1-59990-510-5.
Gr 8 Up—Avery, 17, remembers her parents' broken bodies, the blood—enough to cover her—and a flash of silver; nothing more. She had been living in the woods with her mother and father, and their murders force her to move into town, to the home of a grandmother she barely knows. Enter the new boy in school. Ben lives in the woods, and something about him calls to Avery with a sharp, visceral pull. With his sometimes-silver eyes, Ben is something more than human, something that Avery wants but is not sure she can trust. Readers can feel Avery come alive in her sorrow, confusion, and desires. However, the romance aspect of the story continually threatens to overwhelm the mystery, which is wonderfully written. The constant I trust him, I don't, he's dangerous, he's not, gets a bit tiring. The ending leaves room for a sequel, but does not demand it. Devlin (aka Elizabeth Scott) has written a novel that will definitely appeal to fans of paranormal fiction/romance.—Melyssa Malinowski, Parkville High School, Baltimore, MD
Avery is profoundly drawn to Ben, the new boy at school--even after she discovers he's a werewolf and begins to suspect his involvement in her parents' brutal murders. Avery's believably complicated relationship with her estranged grandmother, her only remaining family member, sharply contrasts with her immediate (and insipid) romantic connection with Ben. An ecological spin adds some novelty to this Twilight wannabe.

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