In Community with Readers: Transforming Reading Instruction with Read-Alouds and Minilessons

Routledge. Aug. 2024. 262p. pap. $38.99. ISBN 9781625316509.
With recent emphasis on small-group instruction, the value of whole-class lessons can sometimes be overlooked. This title highlights the benefits and camaraderie that emerge when students read and analyze together. The authors emphasize strengthening classroom community by incorporating freedom, choice, agency, and love into whole-group instruction. Drawing on years of teaching experience with colleagues, Burkins and Sibberson focus on the power of read-alouds and mini-lessons to engage students intellectually and to foster joy, while sparking meaningful conversations that build genuine connections. The book features practical tools, including charts outlining key skills, recommended mentor texts, tips for creating personalized mentor text lists, and a sample schedule integrating mini-lessons and read-alouds. Packed with photos of students and real-life classroom stories, the book is more anecdotal than academic, making its strategies relatable and achievable. This approach seamlessly blends classroom experience with standards to shine a light on the value of whole-group instruction.
VERDICT A recommended purchase for educators seeking to enhance community building through purposeful and engaging discussions.

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