How Do Helicopters Work?

978-0-7613-8966-8. ea vol: 32p. (Lightning Bolt Books: How Flight Works Series). diags. further reading. glossary. index. photos. websites. Lerner. 2013. PLB $25.26; ebook $18.95
K-Gr 2—Though narrow of topic, these introductions combine plenty of big, bright color photos with explanatory texts that, for all their brevity, will give new readers healthy doses of specific information. Hang Gliders, for instance, offers not only a tally of the required gear but also covers techniques for steering, changing speeds, and landing safely. Both the narratives and images feature men and women in roughly equal numbers-and, even more laudably, Space Vehicles highlights a Russian Soyuz and its launch vehicle rather than now-obsolete American spacecraft, though the Hubble Space Telescope does make a cameo. Each volume ends with a labeled diagram, a page of "Fun Facts," and a list of print and Web resources.

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