Full Shift

Putnam. Aug. 2024. 256p. Tr $24.99. ISBN 9780593529843.
Gr 7 Up–Unlike her popular sister, Tessa doesn’t fit in. Always lagging behind, misfit Tessa can’t even shift by choice; only when she loses her temper does the wolf within appear. It’s not easy to be a werewolf or a queer teenage girl, and if she can’t control her feelings and abilities, she’ll fall further behind the pack. When Tessa’s crush Maddie invites her to hang out in her bedroom, Tessa anticipates the big reveal, thinking that Maddie is also a supernatural being. But as Tessa shifts, Maddie comes out of the closet as queer. This is not the bonding experience either girl anticipated, and worse, Tessa has exposed her family’s secret to a human and must drive a wedge between herself and Maddie to protect the pack. Following the lead on a cure to werewolfism, Tessa stumbles onto a plot to destroy werewolves, and her blundering puts everyone in danger, pursued by violent hunters. Dugan and Seaton’s graphic novel is hilarious and heartwarming. The pages are illustrated with a subdued, pastel palette, bold lines, and deep shading that sets the tone for this well-rounded story. Readers will root for Tessa as she learns that speaking the truth allows her to accept herself, rebuild familial bonds, and get closer to her crush.
VERDICT Part fast-paced adventure, part poignant coming-of-age romance, Full Shift is recommended for all teen collections and pairs well with Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Lisa Sterle’s Squad.

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