Fly: A Family Guide to Birds and How to Spot Them

Abrams/Magic Cat. Sept. 2024. 64p. Tr $22.99. ISBN 9781419773464.
Gr 1-3–As birding grows in popularity, so too does the appetite for titles that provide more about birds of all feathers like this one. Childhood favorites, such as penguins and flamingos, hang out with fascinating birds from the urban backyard to wetlands and beyond. Readers will learn about all kinds of feathered friends by honing in on a key hero species and fanning outward thematically on different topics, from migration to beak shape. Muted backgrounds are covered with illustrated birds soaring, perching, singing, and diving across the page. Each drawn bird seems both an ideal creature with perfect coloring and also a living thing in the motions of life. Going beyond anatomy and activity, there are themes of cultural impact present here, from mythic birds to the human connection to feathers. There are terms focused on in each section, so the glossary, rich with bird culture vocabulary and biology-specific terms, is the best part.
VERDICT An excellent choice for those looking to explore the physical aspects and cultural impacts birds have had across cultures while also building their bird word knowledge.

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