Earning Money

9781620318904. ea vol: 24p. (Money Smarts). glossary. index. photos. websites. Jump!/Bullfrog. Jan. 2018. lib. ed. $25.65.
PreS-Gr 2—A gentle introduction to currency for little ones. Specific denominations fall outside the scope of this series; instead, the author focuses on more general concepts of wanting and needing goods, being compensated for one's work, and the earning, saving, and uses of money. The importance of making smart choices about spending is emphasized, which is a refreshing choice for this audience. Bright, engaging photographs accompany the succinct narratives, which are direct and situational in nature. Ideas aimed at parents and teachers for fostering child engagement start off each volume, with some books also offering relevant activities.
VERDICT An attractive set to inspire financial smarts in youngsters.

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