Cats Are Great BUT

Albatros. (It’s Great to Have a Pet). May 2024. 40p. Tr $15.95. ISBN 9788000070766.
PreS-Gr 2–Pet ownership is a big step for many people and this graphic novel-style nonfiction book gives lots of advice about owning a cat. There are pages about basic care of cats, what to feed them, and how to deal with normal cat behavior. There are also pages about how to keep a cat safe from potentially dangerous situations, as well as what kinds of foods are suitable for cats and which are not. Some of the information, such as why cats might want to go outside, might seem inadequate to readers looking for detailed information. The cartoonish illustrations are realistic enough to allow readers to understand the text fully. This will be a good reference book for readers thinking about cat ownership.
VERDICT For libraries filling out the how-to or pet shelves; the graphic novel format is sure to attract readers.

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