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Batman and Robin and Howard: Summer Breakdown | Review

Even Books Have Ancestors or That Time I Was a Fourth Grade Publishing Mogul, a guest post by Louise Hung

You’re Never Alone in a Small Town: Community, Comfort, and Canola in Hannah Edwards Secrets of Riverway, a guest post by Ashley Hards

Take Five: Middle Grade Books Featuring Libraries

One Star Review, Guess Who? (#209)

One Star Review, Guess Who? (#209)

Review of the Day: Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell, ill. Ashley Mackenzie

Latinx Heritage Month in the TMC

Cindy Crushes Programming: Pokemon Inspired Planters, by Teen librarian Cindy Shutts

Exclusive: Maverick to Publish YA Adaptation of ‘Pantomime’ | News

Book Review: Westfallen by Ann and Ben Brashares

On Writing the Body: Or Welcome to the Body of Fat and Disability Politics, a guest post by Jen Ferguson

Books on Film: Watch the Official Trailer for DOG MAN!

Books on Film: Watch the Official Trailer for DOG MAN!

Educator Workshops Help English Language Learners Succeed

Districts Spend Thousands on Book Challenges, Legal Battles in Utah, Florida | Censorship News

Read Rec Rachel: New YA Releases for September 2024

Graphic Novels for National Hispanic Heritage Month | Reviews

Wednesday Roundup: Nonfiction Newbery Contenders

Katie Cook’s Three Favorite Comics and a Comic About Libraries, a guest post

Name That Book! Kid Drawing Edition (#6)

21 Nonfiction Titles for Young People in Honor of Latinx Heritage Month

Comics That Reflect the Vast Influence of Manga

Can’t Shush This | Reasons to Love Libraries

Positive Growth and Positive Mental Health: TikTok Star Tony Weaver Jr. Discusses His Latest Comic for Kids, Weirdo

Recent Graphic Novel Deals, Early September 2024 | News

Book Review: The Diamond Explorer by Kao Kalia Yang

Where Are You? A guest post by Ginger Reno

Where Are You? A guest post by Ginger Reno

Where Are You? A guest post by Ginger Reno

Improve Your Social Media Life

14 YA Romances to Warm Readers' Hearts During Hispanic Heritage Month and All Year Round

Getting Up to Speed on Bluesky

SLJ's Video Game Reviews: Sequels and Remakes

Banned Books Week News, Events, and Resources

A Q&A with Debbie Ridpath Ohi: I Want to Read All the Books

Good As Goldie | This Week’s Comics

Holiday House and Pixel+Ink Showcase: October 2024 Through April 2025 Titles

New Views of World War II: Newbery Contenders That Tackle History

Nature as Nurture, a guest post by Ciera Burch

Books on Film: Watch the Final Trailer for THE WILD ROBOT!

Our Biggest Starred Reviews List of the Year! | Starred Reviews, September 2024

Ideas and Resources for Teaching Media Literacy in an Election Year

Fuse 8 n’ Kate: Fireman Small by Wong Herbert Yee

Reading Latin America/Leyendo a Latinoamérica (Part I/Parte I) 

Cover Reveal and Q&A: The Trouble With Heroes by Kate Messner!

Lion Dancers | Review

September Check-In: Poll Results

Take Five: New Middle Grade Books in September

Facing Horror with Uncertainty: The Many Ways One Can be Unfinished, a guest post by Cheryl Isaacs

Notes From a Writing Collaboration: Don’t Strangle Your Partner and Other Bits of Hard-Won Wisdom, a guest post by Ben and Ann Brashares


Telephone of the Tree


From the Farm, to Our Table


The Great Gatsby


Clovis Suspects a Sneak


Of Mice and Men



In Cold Blood




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