An important, browsable introductory resource to spark further learning on supporting students’ learning.
An excellent purchase for school and public library collections.
A professional purchase for most school libraries.
A good resource that offers detailed insights and practical examples on how to strengthen advocacy and collaboration through ecosystem thinking.
A scholarly work more at home in academic libraries for those studying the impact of classic children’s literature and for superfans of Montgomery’s work.
A necessary purchase for elementary professional collections; the read-aloud experiences included provide a wealth of ideas to utilize across content areas and grade levels.
The love of the work and artist is evident, but the magic is lost in translation.
School libraries will find this a helpful addition to a well-used professional collection.
A crucial title for all academic libraries; this should be required reading in graduate library science, education, and higher education programs across the U.S.
A worthwhile title packed with useful information made accessible and convincing.
Recommended for reading instructors and librarians. Pair with Tricia Ebarvia’s Get Free: Antibias Literacy Instruction for Strong Readers, Writers, and Thinkers.
This book doesn’t necessarily break new ground but it provides personal stories and resources to honor students and caregivers as well as the work that goes into everyday literacy.
A thorough account of all that was involved in creating many of Marguerite Henry’s stories, along with a glimpse into the author’s personality; collections that focus on author biographies will do well to include this volume.
An additional purchase where trans literary analyses are in high use.
A resourceful tool for educators seeking to create more engaging and informative lessons that connect literature with the rich tapestry of historical and cultural contexts.
A template for those currently serving in the culture war on how to respond, react, and stand up for intellectual freedom.
Highly recommended for all public school librarians, teachers, and school administrators.
Despite cluttered formatting, this book provides excellent resources for employing a variety of engaging reading strategies that have wide applicability across K-8 contexts. Purchase for libraries with a focus on reading, explicit instruction, or a new curriculum.
A secondary purchase for most school libraries.
Highly recommended. This outstanding work has offerings in both theory and practice and is an excellent resource for both LIS students and experienced librarians.
Highly recommended for professional or staff collections in academic, public, school, and all libraries.
An interesting though repetitive roundup of stories from booksellers and librarians that will make readers feel the passion behind the professions.
Necessary for any school teaching multilingual education.
A must for all educators. For new teachers, it provides aspirational direction to teach literacy; for veteran teachers, it will reawaken a passion for the art of teaching literacy.
A must-purchase for professional collections. English instructors, school librarians, and others focused on promoting literacy through independent reading in middle and high schools will find valuable resources to use throughout the school year.
A good starting point for librarians looking to further holistic literacy in their communities, as well as their own careers.
A helpful collection of lessons and resources for elementary school librarians and science teachers that supports interdisciplinary and active learning.
Academic and thoughtful, while still accessible, this professional learning text is a must-have for educators and leaders of every stripe.
While it may quickly become somewhat dated, this is a helpful resource for ways to incorporate teaching AI into any classroom, grade level, or subject area.
A useful introductory text; for a more in-depth look at trauma-informed practices, try Alex Shevrin Venet’s Equity-Centered Trauma-Informed Education.
This helpful book reengineers classroom literacy learning by encouraging teachers to facilitate while students command their own learning.
An excellent Spanish-language reference title focusing on Puerto Rican works for children, this would be a great resource for educators, librarians, and readers studying Puerto Rican youth literature.
Effective alignment of brand management principles and the AASL Standards, along with plenty of opportunities for reflection, make this book a valuable purchase for school library practitioners.
A useful purchase for schools.
An accessible and engaging guide filled with actionable insights, and a must-read for librarians serious about fostering an environment of growth and inquiry in their library.
An important overview of book bans that provides crucial information every librarian now needs to know. Recommended, especially in large municipal systems.
Appropriate for school librarians interested in continuous learning or as a textbook in library science programs.
A must purchase for any library considering the addition of virtual reality to its services.
Recommended for professional reading and in collections where there is a demand for scholarly analysis. Highly recommended for academic libraries.
Those with an interest in classic children’s literature or LGBTQIA+ history and culture should not miss this title.
Recommended for those who are interested in the field of disability studies, in particular the d/Deaf community.
This fine title will appeal especially to those nostalgic for Keats’s works. Public and school libraries should definitely consider.
An essential guide for K–3 educators wanting to incorporate Black history into classroom learning throughout the school year.
Considering content, length, and price point, academic institutions and big public systems serving large Caribbean populations are the best audiences for this pair of publications.
A great addition to professional collections of teachers looking to strengthen students’ writing skills in bite-size, practical ways.
This book offers a variety of helpful and practical strategies that are easily implemented in any K–3 classroom, and will help all students to learn to read more effectively and with higher levels of fluency and comprehension.
An excellent addition for anyone interested in starting a reading workshop in their classroom or school library, as it offers the insights and tools necessary in today’s educational landscape.
Recommended. Sharing books can help make sense of an often-confusing world, and this title is a good place to begin.
Designed with creativity in mind, these thoughtfully crafted SEL lessons are easy to integrate into the classroom.
Well organized, and with a great balance of broadness and depth, this is a great resource for any school library or professional development collection.
A treasure trove of ideas, background knowledge, and techniques for sustainable and DIY programs in libraries everywhere.
Perfect for librarians who wear many hats and need to analyze the implementation of digital citizenship from every angle, as well as for educators who have to make district-wide decisions that impact many students.
A slim but comprehensive title with an earnest and encouraging authorial voice. Recommended for any school or public library professional who has felt trepidation about introducing an RPG program.
A good choice for teachers who have the capacity to interpret and create lessons from the resources presented, or who want to incorporate mindfulness activities in their classrooms. Though the direct audience is teachers, the text can also be used by parents, counselors, caregivers, and others, as long as they are willing to be flexible.
This informative and engaging book is a great choice for both library students and established public and school librarians.
Practical, inspiring, and joyous all at once. Outstanding and highly recommended!
A businesslike and comprehensive defense of manga in today’s library and classroom that requires no prior knowledge of the format and will provide library professionals the framework to develop a manga collection, program, or course from scratch.
A useful addition to the teacher tool box, but not necessarily a must-have resource.
Highly recommended. All teachers and administrators need to have a copy of this book to help prioritize their well-being.
An excellent resource, especially for those looking to center equity and justice in their practice.
This timely handbook provides creative opportunities for teen librarians and libraries to connect with teens and with their surrounding communities. A great choice for young adult librarians.
An eminently useful title for anyone working with preschoolers looking for easily implemented pre-literacy activities.
A book for library students and established librarians, this simplified guide to OBPE programming development focused on community outcomes is recommended for libraries serving youth.
With the growing emphasis on SEL in schools, this book is a valuable resource for librarians supporting this important work.
Whether these projects, which are well thought out and flexible to schedule and learner needs, are used independently or collaboratively with educators, elementary librarians will benefit from this valuable resource.
Whether readers are considering teaching as a profession, are mid-career, or are looking toward retirement, this book will inspire and remind many why teaching is still a fulfilling and rewarding profession.
Well-researched and wonderfully helpful, this collection is a must-have for teachers of all age groups.
Recommended for professionals who have been apprehensive about talking about race.
A superb and necessary collection. Purchase and share this stellar collection with all the Potterheads in your library.
While anyone doing book discussions can find useful material here, this work is recommended for elementary and middle school teachers.
This title can be used as a handbook for professional educators; its clear organization and focused language will be useful for early literacy teachers.
This book will be scoured by librarians and teachers for classroom tips, recommendations, and insight.
Practical and supportive, this is a good fit for new educators who want to set up their library or experienced educators who want to reenergize their collection.
Recommended supplemental purchase for professional development.
Useful, if a bit flawed; this compendium serves as a dual crash course on readers’ advisory and genre blends for anyone recommending youth materials.
Pavey’s text is dense with ideas, from copyright to assessment, and is always centered on the student. School and public librarians considering adding game-based learning to their list of accomplishments would do well to start here.
This is a great choice for elementary and early middle level instructors, or the coaches who support them, who are looking to find a more authentic connection to their students.
A powerful, resonant, meticulously crafted work, firmly rooted in respect and dignity, with clear strategies for teacher practice. Highly recommended.
Purchase this resource to support library efforts to garner support for initiatives targeting student well-being.
An essential book that belongs in the hands of every teacher, but especially language arts teachers and the librarians who collaborate with them.
A welcome addition to children’s literature scholarship.
A solid work that offers insight to librarians and educators to help students navigate current media literacy challenges.
Thoughtful and instructive, this is a must read for anyone involved in reading or writing conferences at their school.
Most of the material covered here will likely not be new to most librarians. Nevertheless, it convincingly discusses the importance of the school librarian, and many administrators may find it eye-opening.
Whiting’s engaging and practical book places stakeholders front and center. Librarians will find her arguments compelling as they rethink pedagogy and solve problems using human-centered design theory.
This title is likely most useful to preservice and early career librarians first establishing their goals and priorities; however, it could also be a valuable resource for more veteran librarians reconnecting with their dedication to the field. In addition, it makes a strong case for the importance of a full-time, certified librarian and could be used as an advocacy tool.
An incredibly thorough and clear guide to implementing or extending learning centers in school libraries.
Innovative and intuitive, this text is sure to become part of the professional reading canon for thoughtful educators.
An additional purchase where educators are looking for insight into teaching the nonfiction writing process.
Chock-full of ideas and inspiration, this book is a (mostly) great resource for library staff looking to creatively increase all-ages patron engagement.
Librarians, here is your one-stop shop for incorporating anime, manga, and public enthusiasm into library programming. The rabbit hole is deep but rewarding.
Recommended for secondary English teachers and librarians who seek to provide a rich and engaging reading experience.
Professional materials on mindfulness and social emotional needs are more important than ever, making Stephens’s volume an ideal choice for most collections.
Practical and user-friendly, with lesson ideas that are ready to implement.
This book is a gift to educators, radiating with the authors’ infectious enthusiasm and wealth of experience.
Highlighting issues that all school librarians need to consider in order to advocate for their students, this is a vital resource.
An exceedingly thorough starting place for understanding how libraries may better serve and support patrons who are on the spectrum.
Providing book-based, library-centric STEAM projects, this is a worthwhile purchase.