Take a look at the five titles the HMAC committee selected to discuss and vote on during the free Zoom Webcast on Friday January 24th.
Looking ahead to children's literature in 2025!
On November 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed H.R. 3706, officially creating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a federal holiday. The federal holiday established that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day would be nationally commemorated and observed as a holiday for federal employees. Almost a decade later, on August 23, 1994 the holiday was transformed […]
As we enter the final week of Heavy Medal discussions there are lots of dates and deadlines to keep an eye on!
Chris Giarrusso's Mini Marvels, short strips parodying Marvel Comics' characters and particular storylines, return in a new collection.
This list of recent-ish middle grade titles looks at gun violence in places that include schools but also take place in other spaces.
January starts strong with a new book from Gayle Forman, two graphic novels, and several audio titles spanning ages and genres.
I'm not talking about what I want to win, necessarily, but what I think WILL win. So buckle up and enjoy this crazy ride . . .
The last book we'll discuss in our Mock Newbery is THE TENTH MISTAKE OF HANK HOOPERMAN by Gennifer Choldenko. It's been a favorite all year long of many Heavy Medal readers and now it's time to explore why.