What Degree Do I Need to Pursue a Career in Bookkeeping & Accounting?

9781477778616. ea vol: 80p. (The Right Degree for Me). bibliog. further reading. glossary. index. websites. Rosen Young Adult. 2015. lib. ed. $34.60.
Gr 10 Up—This series provides valuable introductions to many rising fields, outlining the necessary degrees, certificates, training, and experience. The texts are well written, demonstrating the complexity of these careers. For example, in Information Technology, Kassnoff tells readers that digital information is a varied field, encompassing everything from downloading music to using debit cards to setting up school systems. Diverse individuals are featured in photos, and women appear in many traditionally male-dominated fields. Sidebars pack in more practical tips and facts. At times, some volumes don't take into account the varying academic skills students will bring to the table and may offer false hope. Health Care, for instance, tells readers interested in that line of work that they'll be welcomed with"open arms" and that their salaries will "soar to heights [they've] never imagined before." However, for discerning teens with accurate assessments of their abilities, this set offers strong options for college preparation.
VERDICT Excellent additions for high school collections and career centers.

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