The Pine Cone’s Secret: A Life Cycle Poem

Sourcebooks/eXplore. (Starting Small). Sept. 2025. 40p. Tr $14.99. ISBN 9781464224980.
K-Gr 2–A diverse cast of people and animals adorn the pages of this poem, which traces a pine tree’s various stages of growth. An important theme is the many benefits the tree provides to animals and people, portraying the tree as both shelter and a food source. Although it makes no direct mention of the holiday, the poem ends by connecting the pine tree to the Christmas tree. Still, it’s a clear endorsement of the celebration, and many readers will interpret the connection as the unspecified secret alluded to in the title. The art is wonderfully textured and soft, depicting lush and abundant forests. It is distinctly North American: there are bald eagles and white-tailed deer. A strong emphasis is placed on children with their families, with one scene depicting a pregnant woman. The poem itself is extremely eco-friendly and informative, but it may require some explanation for young readers. The end of the book includes pine tree information, jokes, a craft, and maps depicting where different types of pine trees grow.
VERDICT A pro-nature and pro-ecology poem about the life cycle of the pine tree, this book will appeal to collections seeking gentle science books; it can also be added to the holiday shelves.

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