Dogs and Us: A Fifteen-Thousand-Year Friendship

Groundwood. Oct. 2024. 48p. tr. from Italian by Debbie Bibo & Yvette Ghione . Tr $19.99. ISBN 9781773067711.
Gr 1-2–Dogs and humans have been in a relationship for 15,000 years according to this text. The author/illustrator captures the nuances of how the relationship formed when dogs were “gray, robust and wild” and humans “were hairy and had large teeth.” From those beginnings the wide variety of ways dogs and humans have interacted and continue to do so are captured in pages that feature a multitude of dog breeds. Back matter adds insight to the different breeds and their unique abilities. Digital illustrations are bold and colorful but have a stiffness to them that fails to convey the emotional connections that have transformed the dog/human relationship.
VERDICT An interesting, albeit brief, introduction to the history of humans and dogs with enough detail to capture the variety of ways that the relationship has been of benefit.

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