Gr 6 Up–Multiple topics relating to United States’ civics are explored in this extensive volume. Primary subjects include taxation, spending, Social Security, Medicare, citizenship, infrastructure, international relations, and similar government functions. Using percentages and other statistics, Fleischer informs readers of how all these laws and programs benefit the American people. For example, he explains tax brackets and likewise points out the value of the U.S. Postal Service, which is required to deliver mail everywhere unlike privatized services. Fleischer points out that the Public Broadcasting System receives 15 percent revenue from taxes, while the rest comes from charitable donations so that prominent issues are covered fairly. Those looking for information on the three branches of government and how they work will be disappointed as none of that is addressed. Fleischer employs a somewhat condescending tone as he refers to those with differing or misinformed points of view as providing “boneheaded” arguments. The information will quickly date as well; for example, 2024 expansions to DACA are not included. Unfortunately, this work provides very dull reading on subject material that is more accessible elsewhere, e.g., the U.S. Treasury website.
VERDICT The dense text, tedious prose, and somewhat proselytizing tone will cause browsers to pass while report writers will be better served with government websites. Selectors, consider alternatives.